A Common Interest is shared

The governors share a common interest in our school and recognise that the school has a role to play in the success of the community which it serves.

Strategic direction

The governors are responsible for the strategic direction of the school, acting within a policy framework set by national legislation.  They are involved in creating and developing a strategic plan for the school, setting and agreeing objectives, and monitoring and evaluating success by focusing on progress and outcomes.


At Andrews’ Endowed, the head teacher and governors work in partnership and liaise closely on all matters affecting the school.  The Governing Body acts as a ‘critical friend’ to the school, asking challenging questions about performance and using their skills and experience to support the school in addressing its aims. 

The governing board at Andrews’ Endowed provides strategic oversight, playing a vital role in supporting the Head to ensure pupils benefit from the best possible educational, moral and spiritual outcomes. Everything we do at Andrews’ Endowed is designed with the children in mind.

To assure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, governors audit and advise across a number of strategic areas, for example, Finance, Admissions, Pay, Buildings, Health & Safety; Safeguarding, Data Protection, Training & Development, Equalities, and Marketing. The governors also meet with the pupil School Council and generally provide support and advice to the school body. To perform these tasks our governors come from a variety of backgrounds, holding a wealth of experience and skills, from finance, law, medicine, academia, education, marketing and, of course, the Church of England. Governors work with our highly committed Head, staff and pupils to create a very special community at Andrews’ Endowed.